Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Fr. Francis Installation in Mission Dolores

Fr. Francis is a long time priest known in my life. He has always been there whenever I needed help, and even though he's a busy priest, he still checks up on me from time to time. So when I heard he was gonna be a priest in Mission Dolores, I was like I must shoot this so I did. Only posting the best pictures but if you wanna see all the pictures I shot here, go to link below

Mission Dolores

How many priests were there?!

Knights of Columbus

It was dark so it was hard shooting..


Better picture, kind of..

Best picture of Fr. Francis!

Before it was filled



When you go behind the scenes, these people!

The Cemetery before the gift shop

Like I said before I excluded some photos so if you wish to see all of them, visit link below

-Naaataan OUT!!!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Nikki from Vegas just like Jake from State Farm

Yes I just used that title cause I thought it was clever AF.

From DC2 to S30....still MK3


MisMatch set


Thought this was bad ass

So he drew a big ass penis

Penis and anal


Quite artistic I must say

Salamat Thomas...its like an exact replica


Now that's a couples pic

Look at that 5th wheeler tho


Sam's Chowder

Best for last! I say this is the most gangster couple shot I got!

-Naaataan OUT!!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Electric State of Mind: AM Nights

My homie who sells all types of equipment for the rave culture but specializes in lights such as gloves, orbitz, etc! He asked for me to go and help out. He asked if I could record some of his shows so I brought all my equipment and took a few of his shows. It'd be better if i had a real camera that shoots in HD but I make do with stuff I have. If you wanna donate feel free people (= I also took random photos of the booths, still lightshows and just the stage! First time shooting lightshows where the subject is well lit but then the light trails still go on so go easy on the judging of these photos. Note: These were shot with an on-board flash.

Setting up the stage



Preston's Dad, Preston, and Julie

They also had a lot of gear


RaveAid tho

Pasties all around

Elements and Chroma24s on deck

The men side of clothes

Women side

Our next door neighbors

I swear this was an interesting item. Check it out

Preston with those hyphy ass colors tho

Melting Engaged.

Ehhh I coulda done better on this pic

Not enough light now..

Trading shows

Telling you that's a good light combo

Blue ring


Even girls do it, just rarer


Preston does it all

Even a dude came in one of those boards-ehhhh whatever you call it

Girls could orbitz too

Orbiting for days

Stage at the beginning (Not bad ehh?)

Just see how much people were there

I swear it was hard but kept trying and trying

Got closer and caught this...good photo yeah?

The lights tho

Movin further a little bit more

I liked this picture so I just had to end the photos with this
NOW UPCOMING: The videos

Well these were the videos I took. Hope you enjoyed. Im actually hoping to shoot more events so hit me with that media access and ill try the best I could.!

-Naaataan OUT!!!